четвер, 1 серпня 2013 р.

90 Days to Stress Free Living A Day-By-Day Health Plan Including Exercises, Diet and Relaxation Techniques (9781862044654) C. Norman Shealy

Product Details:

Paperback: 224 pages
Publisher: Element Books Ltd; Revised edition (April 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1862044651
ISBN-13: 978-1862044654

Product Dimensions:

9.1 x 6 x 0.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 12 ounces

Experts will tell you that good health is your natural state, but stress can upset the balance between your genetic health code and your social environment gravimetry torge torrent. To return to your natural state of health, take the Personal Stress Assessment Test and identify your specific problem areas gravimetry torge torrent. Then start the day-by-day health plan with a variety of exercises--both at-home workouts and at-your-work quick destressors, designed to transform your life in only 90 days gravimetry torge torrent. The techniques for diet and relaxation are simple and original, introducing you to a new, enjoyable way to remove stress-building foods and activities and replace them with ways to eat and work in peace and calm even in the midst of people who are notorious for driving you crazy gravimetry torge torrent. Take control. No matter if you've spent years building up habits that produce stress, you can turn your mind and body into an oasis of calm in minutes a day.

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GO 90 Days to Stress Free Living A Day-By-Day Health Plan Including Exercises, Diet and Relaxation Techniques (9781862044654) C. Norman Shealy

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